Example code to different ways of create string
package stringclass;
public class StringConstructors {
public static void main(String[] args) {
byte b[] = {-126,67,-68,01,22,22,-66,32,22,34}; // we are using an array initializer
String s1= new String (" String 1");
String s2 = " String 2" , s3 = " String 2";
//String(byte[],hibyte) dep in 1.1
String sb = new String(b,0x00);
System.out.println( " sb =" + sb);
//String(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)
String sb1 = new String (b,0,3);
System.out.println( " sb1 =" + sb1);
// System.out.println(" default encoding scheme on this platform = //"+ByteToCharConverter.getDefault());
// String(byte[] bytes,String enc);
// String sb2 = new String (b,"Cp037");//what is this ??
// System.out.println( " sb2.length =" + sb2.length());
// String sb3 = new String (b,"ISO8859_2");
// String sb3 = new String (b,"EUC_JP"); // why sb3's length is 7 ?
// System.out.println( " sb3.length =" + sb3.length()+sb3 );
char ca[] = {'i','N','e','t'};
String sc = new String(ca);
System.out.println( " sc =" + sc);
String s11,s21;
s11 = s1;
s21 = s2;
System.out.println( " S1 =" + s1);
System.out.println( " S2 =" + s2);
System.out.println( " S3 =" + s3);
//check to see if both are referring same String object or not
if ( s1 == s11)
System.out.println( " s1 == s11");
//Check whether s1 and s2 are pointing to string with same content
if ( s1.equals(s11))
System.out.println( " s1 is equal to s11");
if ( s2 == s1)
System.out.println( " s2 == s1");
System.out.println( " s2 != s1");
if ( s2.equals(s3))
System.out.println( " s1 is equal to s11");
// concatinate two strings
s21 = s2 + s3;
System.out.println( " s2 + s3 = " + s21);
// to find the length of the string
System.out.println( " length of s1 = " + s1.length());
sb =?C¼¾ "
sb1 =‚C¼
sc =iNet
S1 = String 1
S2 = String 2
S3 = String 2
s1 == s11
s1 is equal to s11
s2 != s1
s1 is equal to s11
s2 + s3 = String 2 String 2
length of s1 = 9
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